Effective Communication with Children  

3-Part Series with all the essential parent child communication tools for getting your kids to not only listen to you - but to love talking to you and pleasing you!   

Every Positive Relationship Starts with Great Communication Skills

Become the master of interacting with your child and watch with amazement as their attitude transforms!    

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Adriana Miller, mom of 4

"I was getting to a place where I was yelling a lot and it was such a struggle with my kids. I wanted it to come from a place of love and empathy. Lisa's really helped my husband and I - we're truly amazed and excited with the parent child communication tools and the changes. This stuff really works! Lisa is really awesome and has changed our life."





How many times have you stood there feeling like a failure because your words didn't have the effect that you wanted them to have?  



The Art of Communication

Learn the secrets to making your day-to-day parent child communication skills into an art so your kids LOVE listening to you - and they readily open up and talk to you.

The Cure to Defensiveness

Create drama-free interactions with reactive kids. Want to make a comment without your child getting defensive? Want to give advice that they might listen to without getting their back up? 

Making Your Voice Magnetic

The core tricks for making your voice into a magnet - so your kids' ears perk up when you talk - instead of running for cover. Tools any parent will love and use again and again for effective communication with children. 

Begging. Lecturing. Reminding. I Hate it. 

Personally I think this is one of the most challenging parts of parenting. You need get your kids to move through their day and do the routine: get dressed, eat breakfast, go to school, do homework, some chores, etc. BUT. They don’t want to….

Even more challenging is when your kid wants to do something that you know is BAD for them and you’ve got the responsibility of making sure they don’t do it. BUT HOW?  

Sandi Lerner

I took Lisa's course hoping to work out some stubborn problems that I was dealing with, and I got a lot of great new ideas, but I was totally unprepared for what happened. 
One of my kids, with whom interactions had been short and terse, has suddenly become open, friendly and wonderful at having long interesting conversations with me. None of this was expected, but understandably, I am truly amazed and excited with the changes. This stuff really works!


Take advantage of these FREE online parenting classes for effective communication with your children.